Course Details

110 - Banned Books: A discussion of time and context

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Student Furnished Course Supplies/Prerequisites: A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle Animal Farm by George Orwell Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Course Description: This course examines the politics of literature banned across several centuries and continents. Books that been classified as taboo, seized, and burned and their creators fined, jailed, tortured, and killed throughout history under many different political regimes. Incorporating a range of systems of censorship across the globe we will examine differences in the modes of repression and the sometimes surprising connections between church and monarchy, fascism and democracy.

Course Instructor: Melissa Maughan is a Staff Assistant in the Utah State University's History department. She graduated with a BA in History from USU in 2013 with a specialization in US History 1900-1945 with an emphasis in Japanese Internment. She has an MA in English from USU with a specialization in rhetoric. She has a special interest in naturalism and classic literature, both fiction and nonfiction.