Course Details

1008 - Baroque Art History

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M - F
Cost -

Course Description: From 1600 - 1700 the European powers vied for control of trade and ideology. This course will focus on how the art of this age reflects many of the events of their time. This is the century when the Counter Reformation gave rise to fantastic works in Italy by Bernini and Caravaggio. At the same time more humble paintings were produced in the North by artists like Vermeer and Rembrandt. It's an age of contrast and drama.

Course Instructor: Kevan Larsen is an AP Art History teacher at Weber High School. He attended USU where he received his BFA in Art and his commission as an officer in the U.S. Army. Kevan has been teaching art history at Weber High for over 20 years. He leads summer tour groups for students each summer. So far he has been to 17 countries to explore museums and other art sites in person and share that experience with his students.